20 New jQuery Plugins That Are Taking the Design World By Storm

One of the best things about jQuery is that it is constantly devising impressive new plugins for everyone to make use of free of cost. The only issue is that there are so many jQuery plugins in the market today that choosing one becomes difficult. Here are 20 of the best jQuery plugins to take a look at.
1. Tabslet
The jQuery plugin for tabs is Tabslet. It supports rotation, custom events, and animation and is compatible with most modern web browsers.
2. Offreg
If you want to turn your images into RGB ‘prints’, choose Offreg. The plugin needs to be applied to any HTML element, an image SRC needs to be provided and offset value needs to be inserted. This rendering however, does not look great in Google Chrome.
3. CLNDR.js
CLNDR.js is a jQuery plugin that helps in creating calendars. You have to provide an Underscore.js HTML template, instead of generating the markup. It takes your template and then proceeds to inject the calendar data into it.
4. jQuery Fullscreen Editor
Transforms text fields into customizable editors with jQuery Fullscreen Editor. You can use it by itself or even on forms. Most common web browsers are supported by the plugin and it comes with two different transitions.
5. jVanilla Menu
jVanilla Menu is a simple jQuery menu plugin that takes an existing CSS drop-down menu, and adds enhancements such as submenu levels, animations, and timeout delays to it.
6. jQuery Responsive Tabs
This is jQuery plugin provides responsive tab functionality, with the tabs transforming into an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint.
7. Snap.svg
Working with your SVG assets will be as easy as pie with the new Snap.svg JavaScript library.
8. jQuery-Mapael
Display dynamic vector maps with Mapael, a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js.
9. Moa Modal
Moa Modal is a jQuery modal plugin that comes with positioning and custom animationss.
10. FlowType.JS
Configure your line height ratios and font size with FlowType.js to improve the appeal of the typography of your project.
11. Squishy
Squishy is a jQuery plugin that resizes text automatically to exactly fit the container.
12. Succinct
Succint is a minimal jQuery plugin that can truncate multiple lines of text, shorten it to a given size, and adds an ellipsis to its end.
13. FailSafe
FailSafe lets your application work smoothly when you lose internet connectivity or run out of laptop battery. It can also disable elements that can drain your battery or require an active internet connection.
14. Sticky-Kit
With Sticky Kit, you can create smart sticky elements and attach them to the page, so that they are always visible when the user scrolls.
15. ContentShare
With ContentShare, you can share the content from a page on a social network. You can specify and select what content you wish to share, instead of the default meta tags. It supports Twitter and Facebook, though you can add additional social networks too.
16. Owl Carousel
This a touch enabled jQuery plugin lets you create responsive carousel sliders.
17. CarouFredSel
With CarouFredSel, you can turn any HTML element into a carousel. Not only is it dual-licensed under GPL and MIT, but it also has its own WordPress plugin.
18. Excolo-Slider
Excolo Slider is a simple jQuery slider plugin that supports touch and responsive design. It comes with mouse slider navigation, autoplay slideshow, pagination and many other features.
19. Glide.js
Glide.js is a simple and responsive slider plugin with fully customizable OOCSS markup.
20. FilmRoll
FilmRoll is a simple, lightweight jQuery carousel plugin that centres the selected item on the page.

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