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Things Every React.Js Beginner Should Know

React.Js, an open-source JavaScript library, first deployed on Facebook in 2011 and later in 2102 was used by Instagram. ReactJS is used to build user interfaces for single page applications and further allows to manage the view layer for the web and mobile apps easily. Further, using ReactJs, creating reusable UI components becomes easy, and attracts developers.

We know, this framework is robust and is quite popular among the developers as the development process comes with exceptional features like extensibility, adjustability, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. Let’s explore, what are the important aspects that should be kept in mind as a beginner;

React.Js is just a view library:

When we take into account the basic concept of React.Js, we can find it as a library that is used for rendering views. And if you compare it with the MVC, then it is totally different, React is just the ‘V’, part of the equation. As far M and C is concerned, developers are required to collect source from others, or it will end up messing your code.

Keep your components small:

Do you agree that small classes/modules are more easy to understand, test, and maintain? Of Course, developers are well aware of this fact, and the same goes with React components, the small it is, the more simple it is to understand do execute the further functions. Well, the exact size is dependent on different factors. However, whatever is the situation, a good developer will make components significantly smaller to make the development process easier.

How to write functional components:

Well. in order to define the components, as functions of props, React 0.14 has introduced a new syntax. And this helps to find out if the component needs to be split up or not. Hence, ‘limitations’, comes as the strength for the functional component. Further, the functional components do not have state attached to them.

How to write stateless components:

In React, the components that have many state are a big problem that tempers the development. Well, the main reasons for this are:

a) State makes components difficult to test
b) state makes components difficult to reason about
c) state makes it too easy to put business logic in the component
d) state makes it difficult to share information to other parts of the app.

Therefore, all these reasons should be kept in mind while using the react.Js framework.

Use Redux.js:

A big question while using this framework is, « where to put all state and logic? » Flux, is a style/pattern/architecture for designing web applications, that use React for rendering.

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